Masterstudent aardwetenschappen Willem Jan Blom houdt op zijn website een overzicht bij van ‘creationistisch geologisch onderzoek’ in naturalistisch-wetenschappelijke tijdschriften. Hoewel dit overzicht van Blom verre van compleet is, is het goed om een dergelijk overzicht bij te houden.1 Vandaag plaatsten we een presentatie van dr. John Whitmore over de Coconino Sandstone.2 Dit is een onderzoek dat met tussenpozen al sinds de jaren ’80 van de vorige eeuw bezig is. Ook Willem Jan Blom noemt in zijn overzicht dit onderzoek. Hieronder, net als het ‘Dinosaur Research Project’ van dr. Arthur Chadwick3, een overzicht van papers, abstracts op naturalistische conferenties en theses waartoe dit Coconino-onderzoek geleid heeft.
Wetenschappelijke artikelen vanuit het Coconino-onderzoek
(1979) Brand, L.R., Field and laboratory studies on the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) vertebrate footprints and their paleoecological implications, Palaeogeographym Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 28: 25-38.
(1991) Brand, L.R., Tang, T., Fossil vertebrate footprints in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) of northern Arizona: Evidence for underwater origin, Geology 19 (12): 1201-1204.
(1992) Brand, L.R., Reply to comments on ‘fossil vertebrate footprints in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) of northern Arizona: Evidence for underwater origin, Geology 20 (7): 668-670.
(1996) Brand, L.R., Kramer, J., Underprints of vertebrate and invertebrate trackways in the Permian Coconino Sandstone in Arizona, Ichnos 4 (3): 225-230.
(1996) Brand, L.R., Variations in Salamander Trackways resulting for substrate differences, Journal of Paleontology 70 (6): 1004-1010.
(2010) Whitmore, J.H., Strom, R., Sand injectites at the base of the Coconino Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona (USA), Sedimentary Geology 230 (1-2): 46-59.
(2015) Maithel, S.A., Garner, P.A., Whitmore, J.H., Preliminary assessment of the petrology of the Hopeman Sandstone (Permo-Triassic), Moray Firth Basin, Scotland, Scottish Journal of Geology 51 (2): 177-184.
(2016) Anderson, C.J., Struble, A., Whitmore, J.H., Abrasion resistance of muscovite in aeolian and subaqueous transport experiments, Aeolian Research 24: 33-37.
(2019) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., A methodology for disaggregation and textural analysis of quartz-cemented sandstones, Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (7): 599-609.
(2021) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., Characterization of hard-to-differentiate dune stratification types in the Permian Coconino Sandstone (Arizona, USA), Sedimentology 68 (1): 238-265.
(2021) Brand, L.R., Maithel, S.A., Small-Scale Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures in the Cross-Bedded Coconino Sandstone (Permian; Arizona, United States); Possible Evidence for Seismic Influence, Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 723495.
(2022) Brand, L.R., Polygonal linear depressions in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) of Arizona, and their relevance for interpreting paleoenvironment, Rocky Mountains Geologist 57 (2): 99–115.
(2024) Clendenon, C.L., Brand, L.R., Quantitative analysis of experimental trackways of scorpions, tarantulas, and crayfish, Ichnos 30 (2): 1-32.
Abstracts vanuit het Coconino-onderzoek gepresenteerd op conferenties van de Geological Society of America
(1999) Whitmore, J.H., Peters, R.A., Reconnaissance study of the contact between the Hermit Formation and the Coconino Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Geology Society of America Abstrats with Programs 31 (7): 235.
(2004) Whitmore, J.H., An alternative to the mud crack origin for sand-filled cracks at the base of the Coconino Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 36 (5): 55.
(2005) Whitmore, J.H., Strom, R., Sandstone clast breccias, homogenized sand, and sand intrusions: evidence of substratal liquefaction in the basal Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Grand Canyon, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 37 (7): 440.
(2009) Baechtle, K.P., Whitmore, J.H., Characterization of sand in the Nebraska sandhills, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41 (7): 119.
(2009) Cheung, S.P., Strom, R., Whitmore, J.H., Garner, P.A., Occurrence of dolomite beds, clasts, ooids and unidentified microfossils in the Coconino Sandstone, Northern Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41 (7): 119.
(2009) Whitmore, J.H., Strom, R., Petrographic analysis of the Coconino Sandstone, Northern and Central Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41 (7): 122.
(2010) Cheung, S.P., Strom, R., Whitmore, J.H., Widespread dolomite in the Coconino Sandstone, Arizona, USA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42 (5): 108.
(2010) Maithel, S.A., Whitmore, J.H., Textural analysis of the Coconino Sandstone, Chino Point, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42 (5): 426.
(2010) Whitmore, J.H., Strom, R., Textural trends in the Coconino Sandstone, central and northern Arizona, USA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42 (5): 428.
(2011) Emery, M.K., Maithel, S.A., Whitmore, J.H., Can compaction account for lower-than-expected cross-bed dips in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona?, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43 (5): 430.
(2011) Whitmore, J.H., Forsythe, G., Strom, R., Garner, P.A., Unusual bedding styles for the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43 (5): 433.
(2011) Garner, P.A., Whitmore, J.H., What do we know about marine sand waves? A review of their occurrence, morphology and structure, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43 (5): 596.
(2012) Whitmore, J.H., Forsythe, G., Garner, P.A., Significance of parabolic recumbent folds in Permian Rocks, Sedona, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 44 (7): 556.
(2013) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., Morphology of Avalanche beds in the Coconino Sandstone at Chino Wash, Seligman, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 45 (7): 126.
(2013) Anderson, C.J., Struble, A., Whitmore, J.H., Cheney, M., Micas in cross-bedded sandstones and their abrasional trends, Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs 45 (7): 128.
(2014) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., ‘Ripple Marks’, ‘Slump features’, and ‘Rainprints’ in the Coconino Sandstone near Ash Fork, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 46 (6): 768.
(2015) Anderson, C.J., Whitmore, J.H., Reinterpretation of Mt. Nebo Pointe sand injectite complex, Pittsburgh, PA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47 (7): 584.
(2015) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., Morphological analysis of ‘grainflow’ cross-strata in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47 (7): 589.
(2016) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., Using textural trends to interpret cross-bed depositional processes in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 48 (7).
(2017) Brand, L.R., Maithel, S.A., Soft-sediment deformation features in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona, possibly produced by seismic activity, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 49 (6).
(2017) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., Along-dip textural trends in the Permian Coconino Sandstone from thin section and laser diffraction particle analysis, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 49 (6).
(2017) Whitmore, J.H., Strom, R., Rounding of K-feldspar and quartz sand grains from beach to dune environments: implications for ancient sandstones, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 49 (6).
(2018) Clendenon, C.L., Brand, L.R., Experimental trackways of isopods and millipedes under subaerial and subaqueous conditions: Paleoenvironmental implications for ichnites in fine-grained sandstone, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50 (6).
(2018) Brand, L.R., Polygonal cracks on bounding surfaces in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50 (6).
(2018) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., New insights on cross-bed facies in the Permian Coconino Sandstone (Arizona, USA) from high-resolution scans and scanning electron microscopy, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50 (6).
(2019) Brand, L.R., Shear and clay drapes between cross-beds in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 51 (5).
(2019) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., Differentiating the undifferentiatable? A classification of hard-to-distinguish dune stratification types in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 51 (5).
(2019) Whitmore, J.H., Garner, P.A., Strom, R., Unexpected discoveries in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian, Arizona), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 51 (5).
(2021) Maithel, S.A., Brand, L.R., Whitmore, J.H., Characterizing variation among prints interpreted as ‘raindrop impressions’ in the Permian Coconino Sandstone (Northern Arizona, USA), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 53 (6).
(2021) Clendenon, C.L., Brand, L.R., Experimental trackways of scorpions, tarantulas, and crayfish under subaerial and subaqueous conditions: implications for determing water content of fine sand at the time of trackway, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 53 (6).
(2021) Whitmore, J.H., A comparison of dip angles from ancient cross-bedded sandstones and modern eolian dunes, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 53 (6).
(2022) Maithel, S.A., Nick, K.E., Brand, L.R., Freeze drying as a method for preparing randomly oriented clay mounts for x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Geological Society of America 54 (5).
Abstracts vanuit het Coconino-onderzoek gepresenteerd op overige wetenschappelijke congressen
(1977) Brand, L.R., Coconino Sandstone (Permian) fossil vertebrate footprints – paleoecologic implications, AAPG Program and Abstracts: 66-67.
(1991) Brand, L.R., The influence of substrate characteristics on vertebrate trackways: Implications for systematic study on fossil tracks, Presented at the meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP).
(1992) Brand, L.R., Kramer, J., Underprints of vertebrate and invertebrate trackways in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) in Northern Arizona, The Paleontological Society Special Publications 6: 33.
(2016) Whitmore, J.H., Preliminary correlation and isopach map of the Pennsylvanian and Permian Sandstones of the western United States, Cedarville University Research and Scholarship Symposium.
Bachelor- en Mastertheses en Dissertaties vanuit het Coconino-onderzoek
(1977) Emtage, M.A., Modern invertebrate footprints compared with fossil footprints from the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Masterthesis Loma Linda University.
(2019) Maithel, S.A., Characterization of cross-bed depositional processes in the Coconino Sandstone, Ph.D. Dissertation Loma Linda University.
(2023) Clendenon, C.L., Reanalysis of coconino sandstone invertebrate ichnites based on neoichnology, Ph.D. Dissertation Loma Linda University.
- Voor het artikel van Blom, zie: Blom noemt 1979 als begindatum van de publicaties. Het onderzoek zelf is eerder begonnen, namelijk medio 1974/1975.
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