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Bibliografie van natuur- en materiaalkundige prof. dr. Edgar H. Andrews

Prof. dr. Edgar H. Andrews (1932) is een bekende emeritus hoogleraar die overtuigd is van het klassieke scheppingsgeloof en het daarop voortbordurende scheppingsparadigma. In Nederland is hij bekend geworden door zijn, door Uitgeverij Maatkamp, vertaalde werken ‘Wie heeft God gemaakt? Op zoek naar een allesverklarende theorie‘ (2009) en ‘Wat is de mens? Adam, alien of aap?‘ (2018).1 Critici vinden het niet zo prettig als een geleerd man creationist is. Dat past namelijk niet bij het karikatuurbeeld, dat een creationist eigenlijk geen (natuur)wetenschapper zou kunnen zijn. Een evident onjuist beeld uiteraard! Een reactie op Andrews is wel eens: hij is geen expert. Bedoeld wordt dan: hij heeft weinig tot geen relevante naturalistische vakliteratuur gepubliceerd. Hieronder een overzicht van alle publicaties van Andrews in naturalistische vaktijdschriften, (bijdragen aan) naturalistisch-wetenschappelijke boeken en abstracts van presentaties op naturalistisch-wetenschappelijke conferenties. Per onderdeel staan de publicaties in chronologische volgorde en wanneer er meerdere publicaties zijn in een jaar dan staan deze op hun beurt weer in alfabetische volgorde.

Prof. dr. Edgar H. Andrews studeerde in 1953 af aan de Universiteit van Londen met een BSc. in de theoretische natuurkunde. In 1960 promoveerde hij aan de Universiteit van Londen in de toegepaste of technische natuurkunde. De titel van zijn proefschrift was ‘Rupture Propagation in Inhomogeneous Elastomers’. Daarna behaalde hij in 1968 nog een DSc. (hoger doctoraat) aan de Universiteit van Londen in de natuurkunde (specifiek polymeerfysica).

(Bijdragen aan) naturalistisch-wetenschappelijke boeken

  1. Andrews, E.H., Gent, A.N., 1963, Crystallization in Natural Rubber, in: Bateman, L.C. (ed.), The Chemistry and Physics of Rubberlike Substances (New York: Wiley), p. 235.
  2. Andrews, E.H., 1968, Fracture in Polymers (New York: American Elsevier).
  3. Andrews, E.H., 1969, Fatigue in Polymers, in Brown, W.E. (ed.), Testing of Polymers. 4th Edition (New York: Wiley), p. 237-296.
  4. Andrews, E.H., 1973, Cracking and Crazing in Polymeric Glasses, in: Haward, R.N. (ed.), The Physics of Glassy Polymers (London: Applied Science Publishers LTD), p. 394-453.
  5. Andrews, E.H., Reed, P.E., 1973, Deformation of Cross-Linked Polymers Below Tg, in: Kausch, H.H., Hassell, J.A., Jaffee, R.I. (eds.), Deformation and Fracture of High Polymers (New York: Plenum Press), p. 259-272.
  6. Andrews, E.H., King, N.E., 1978, …?…, in: Clark, D.T., Feast, W.J. (eds.), Polymer Surfaces (Chichester: John Wiley and Sons).
  7. Andrews, EH., Reed, P.E., Williams, J.G., Bucknall, C.B., 1978, Advances in Polymer Science 27: Failure in Polymers. Molecular and Phenomenological Aspects (Berlin: Springer-Verlag).
  8. Andrews, E.H. (ed.), 1979, Developments in Polymer Fracture – 1 (London: Applied Science Publishers LTD).
  9. Andrews, E.H., 1979, Fracture Mechanics of Inelastic Polymers (London: European Research Office).
  10. Andrews, E.H., Sheng, H.P., Majid, H.A., Vlachos, C., 1981, Environmental Failure of Adhesive Bonding in Composites (London: European Research Office).
  11. Andrews, E.H., 1984, Mechanical Measurement of Interatomic Bonding Energies at Interfaces, in: Braun, W.L., Mittal, K.L., Adhesive Joints: Formation, Characteristics, and Testing (New York and London: Plenum Press), p. 689-702.
  12. Andrews, E.H., 1991, Generalized Fracture Mechanics Approach to Adhesion, in: Lee, L.H. (ed.), Adhesive Bonding (New York: Plenum Press), p. 337-358.

Publicaties in naturalistisch-wetenschappelijke tijdschriften

  1. Andrews, E.H., 1957, A Microscope Stage Fibre Extensometer, Journal of Scientific Instruments 34 (2): 71-72.
  2. Andrews, E.H., 1957, An Extensometer Microscope Stage for Photoelastic Studies in Rubber, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 30 (3): 857-862.
  3. Andrews, E.H., Walsh, A., 1957, Electron Microscopy of Vulcanized Rubber using Gelatine First-Stage Replicas, Nature 179 (4562): 729.
  4. Andrews, E.H., Walsh, A., 1958, Rupture Propagation in Inhomogeneous Solids: An Electron Microscopic Study of Rubber containing Colloidal Carbon Black, Proceedings of the Physical Society 72 (1): 42-48.
  5. Andrews, E.H., Walsh, A., 1958, The Rupture Process in Carbon-Loaded Rubbers: An Electron-Microscopic Investigation, Journal of Polymer Science 33 (126): 39-52.
  6. Andrews, E.H., 1959, Cooling of a Spinning Thread-Line, Britisch Journal of Applied Physics 10 (1): 39-43.
  7. Andrews, E.H., 1959, Stress Waves and Fracture Surfaces, Journal of Applied Physics 30 (5): 740-743.
  8. Andrews, E.H., 1960, Stress Waves and Fracture Surfaces, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 33 (2): 275-281.
  9. Andrews, E.H., Turner, D.T., 1960, The Distribution of Polymethyl Methacrylate Formed in Natural Rubber Latex: An Electron Microscopical Study, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 3 (9): 366-367.
  10. Andrews, E.H., 1961, Crack Propagation in a Strain-Crystallizing Elastomer, Journal of Applied Physics 32 (3): 542-548.
  11. Andrews, E.H., 1961, Stresses at a Crack in an Elastomer, Proceedings of the Physical Society 77 (2): 483-498.
  12. Andrews, E.H., Braden, M., 1961, The Reaction of Ozone with Surfaces of Natural Rubber, and Its Dependence upon Strain, Journal of Polymer Science 55 (162): 787-798.
  13. Andrews, E.H., 1962, Crack Propagation in a Strain-Crystallizing Elastomer, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 35 (1): 210-223.
  14. Andrews, E.H., 1962, Spherulite Morphology in Thin Films of Natural Rubber, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 270 (1341): 232-241.
  15. Pomeroy, C.D., Andrews, E.H., 1962, Summarized Proceedings of a Conference on the Mechanics of Rupture, Southampton, April 1961, British Journal of Applied Physics 13 (4): 141-144.
  16. Andrews, E.H., 1963, A High-Strain Specimen Stretching Device for the Elmiskop I Electron Microscope, Journal of Scientific Instruments 40 (7): 358-359.
  17. Andrews, E.H., 1963, Conference on Optical Methods of Stress Analysis, Nottingham, April 1963, British Journal of Applied Physics 14 (7): 409-410.
  18. Andrews, E.H., 1963, Reinforcement of Rubber by Fillers, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 36 (2): 325-336.
  19. Andrews, E.H., 1963, Rupture Propagation in Hysteresial Materials: Stress at a Notch, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 11 (4): 231-242.
  20. Andrews, E.H., 1963, Stresses at a Crack in an Elastomer, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 36 (3): 777-793.
  21. Andrews, E.H., Braden, M., 1963, The Surface Reaction of Ozone with Chemically Protected Rubber, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 7 (3): 1003-1013.
  22. Andrews, E.H., 1964, Conference on the Mechanics of Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Materials, Manchester, April 1964, British Journal of Applied Physics 15 (7): 777-782.
  23. Andrews, E.H., 1964, Crystalline Morphology in Thin Films of Natural Rubber II. Crystallization Under Strain, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 277 (1371): 562-570.
  24. Andrews, E.H., 1964, Strain-Induced Crystallization in Natural Rubber, Polymer 5: 379.
  25. Andrews, E.H., Stubbs, J.M., 1964, A New Freezing Head for the Ultramicrotomy of Rubbers, Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 82 (3): 221-223.
  26. Andrews, E.H., 1965, Crystalline Morphology in Thin Films of Natural Rubber: Crystallization under Strain, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 38 (1): 45-57.
  27. Andrews, E.H., 1965, Materials at High Temperatures, Nature 208 (5010): 517.
  28. Andrews, E.H., 1965, Microstructure of Melt Crystallized Polyethylene, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Letters 3 (5): 353-356.
  29. Andrews, E.H., 1965, Spherulite Morphology in Thin Films of Natural Rubber, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 38 (1): 33-44.
  30. Andrews, E.H., 1966, Destruction of Silicon Nitride Whiskers by Reaction with Metals at High Temperatures, Journal of Materials Science 1 (4): 377-382.
  31. Andrews, E.H., 1966, Microfibrillar Textures in Polymer Fibers, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-2: Polymer Physics 4 (4): 668-672.
  32. Andrews, E.H., 1966, Resistance to Ozone Cracking in Elastomer Blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 10 (1): 47-64.
  33. Andrews, E.H., 1967, Resistance to Ozone Cracking in Elastomer Blends, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 40 (2): 635-649.
  34. Andrews, E.H., 1967, Physics in an Engineering Faculty, Physics Bulletin 18 (8): 259-261.
  35. Andrews, E.H., Bennett, M.W., Markham, A., 1967, Microstructure of Bulk Polymers as Revealed in Ultrathin Sections, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-2: Polymer Physics 5 (6): 1235-1247.
  36. Andrews, E.H., Reed, P., 1967, Hydrogen Evolution from Natural Rubber during Tensile Tests, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Letters, 5 (4): 317-320.
  37. Andrews, E.H., 1969, Hydrogen Evolution from Natural Rubber During Tensile Tests, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 40 (2): 505-508.
  38. Andrews, E.H., 1971, Conference report, British Polymer Journal 3 (1): 44-45.
  39. Andrews, E.H., Levy, G.M., 1971, An Ultrasonic Technique for Measuring Crack and Craze Velocities, Journal of Materials Science 6 (8): 1093-1099.
  40. Andrews, E.H., Reeve, B., 1971, Some Structure-Property Relationships in Oriented Polychloroprene, Journal of Materials Science 6 (6): 547-557.
  41. Andrews, E.H., Walker, B.J., 1971, Fatigue Fracture in Polyethylene, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 325 (1560): 57-79.
  42. Andrews, E.H., 1972, Polymer Mechanics, Nature 236 (5347): 412.
  43. Andrews, E.H., 1972, The Influence of Morphology on the Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Polymers, Pure and Applied Chemistry 31 (1-2): 91-112.
  44. Andrews, E.H., Bevan, L., 1972, Mechanics and Mechanism of Environmental Crazing in a Polymeric Glass, Polymer 13 (7): 337-346.
  45. Andrews, E.H., Bonfield, W., Davies, C.K.L., Markham, A.J., 1972, Silicon Nitride-Nickel Compatibility: The Effects of Environment, Journal of Materials Science 7 (9): 1003-1010.
  46. Andrews, E.H., Owen, P.J., Singh, A., 1972, Microkinetics of Lamellar Crystallization in a Long Chain Polymer, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 45 (5): 1315-1333.
  47. Andrews, E.H., Voigt-Marting, I.G., 1972, Deformation of Irradiated Single Crystals of Polyethylene, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 327 (1569): 251-267.
  48. Phillips, P.J., Andrews, E.H., 1972, Crystallization of Natural Rubber at High Pressures, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Letters, 10 (5): 321-325.
  49. Andrews, E.H., 1973, Structure-Property Relationships in a Polymer, International Journal of Polymeric Materials 2 (4): 337-359.
  50. Andrews, E.H., Kinloch, A.J., 1973, Elastomeric Adhesives: Effect of Cross Link Density on Joint Strength, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-2: Polymer Physics 11 (2): 269-273.
  51. Andrews, E.H., Kinloch, A.J., 1973, Mechanics of Adhesive Failure I, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 332 (1590): 385-399.
  52. Andrews, E.H., Kinloch, A.J., 1973, Mechanics of Adhesive Failure II, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 332 (1590): 401-414.
  53. Andrews, E.H., Levy, G.M., Willis, J., 1973, Environmental Crazing in a Glassy Polymer: the Role of Solvent Absorption, Journal of Materials Science 8 (7): 1000-1008.
  54. Andrews, E.H., Martin, G.E., 1973, The Structure of Polyoxymethylene Produced by the Radiation-Induced, Solid-State Polymerization of Trioxane, Journal of Materials Science 8 (9): 1315-1324.
  55. Andrews, E.H., 1974, A generalized theory of fracture mechanics, Journal of Materials Science 9 (6): 887-894.
  56. Andrews, E.H., 1974, Beziehungen zwischen Struktur und Eigenschaften von Polymeren, Angewandte Chemie 86 (4): 151-160.
  57. Andrews, E.H., 1974, Morphology and Mechanical Properties in Semicrystalline Polymers, Pure and Applied Chemistry 39 (1-2): 179-194.
  58. Andrews, E.H., 1974, Structure-Property Relationships in a Polymer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 13 (2): 113-121.
  59. Andrews, E.H., Kinloch, A.J., 1974, Mechanics of elastomeric adhesion, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Symposia 46 (1): 1-14.
  60. Andrews, E.H., Levy, G.M., 1974, Solvent Stress Crazing in PMMA: 1. Geometrical Effects, Polymer 15 (9): 599-607.
  61. Andrews, E.H., Martin, G.E., 1974, The Structure and Mechanical Properties of Polyoxymethylene Polymerized in the Solid State, Journal of Materials Science 9 (9): 1507-1516.
  62. Reed, P.E., Nurse, P.J., Andrews, E.H., 1974, High Strain Rate Testing of Plastics. Part 1. Shock Tube Technique, Journal of Materials Science 9 (12): 1977-1986.
  63. Teh, J.W., White, J.R., Andrews, E.H., 1975, Creep-Compensated Fatigue Testing of Polyethylene under Reversed Loading Conditions, Journal of Materials Science 10 (9): 1626-1635.
  64. Andrews, E.H., Billington, E.W., 1976, Generalized Fracture Mechanics. Part 2 Materials Subject to General Yielding, Journal of Materials Science 11 (7): 1354-1361.
  65. Andrews, E.H., King, N.E., 1976, Adhesion of Epoxy Resins to Metals. Part 1, Journal of Materials Science 11 (11): 2004-2014.
  66. Andrews, E.H., Fukahori, Y., 1977, Generalized Fracture Mechanics. Part 3 Prediction of Fracture Energies in Highly Extensible Solids, Journal of Materials Science 8 (7): 1000-1008.
  67. Andrews, E.H., 1978, The Short and Long Term Performance of Polymers in Different Environments, British Polymer Journal 10 (1): 39-46.
  68. Andrews, E.H., Reed, P.E., 1978, Molecular Fracture in Polymers, Advances in Polymer Science: 1-66.
  69. Andrews, E.H., Stevenson, A., 1978, Fracture Energy of Epoxy Resin under Plane Strain Conditions, Journal of Materials Science 13 (8): 1680-1688.
  70. Fukahori, Y., Andrews, E.H., 1978, Fracture Surface Roughness in Highly Deformable Polymers, Journal of Materials Science 13 (4): 777-785.
  71. King, N.E., Andrews, E.H., 1978, Fracture Energy of Epoxy Resins above Tg, Journal of Materials Science 13 (6): 1291-1302.
  72. Andrews, E.H., 1979, Recent Developments in the Fracture Mechanics of Polymers, Makromolekulare Chemie 2 (S19791): 189-206.
  73. Bhateja, S.K., Rieke, J.K., Andrews, E.H., 1979, Impact Fatigue Response of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Linear Polyethylene, Journal of Materials Science 14 (9): 2103-2109.
  74. Teh, J.W., White, J.R., Andrews, E.H., 1979, Fatigue of Viscoelastic Polymers: 1. Crack-Growth Characteristics, Polymer 20 (6): 755-763.
  75. Andrews, E.H., 1980, Creation/Evolution, Physics Bulletin 31 (7): 226.
  76. Andrews, E.H., Stevenson, A., 1980, Adhesive Failure of Epoxy-Titanium Bonds in Aqueous Environments, Journal of Adhesion 11 (1): 17-40.
  77. Andrews, E.H., Bhatty, J., 1982, Generalized Fracture Mechanics of Ductile Steels, International Journal of Fracture 20 (1): 65-77.
  78. Andrews, E.H., Pingsheng, H., Vlachos, C., 1982, Adhesion of Epoxy Resin to Glass, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 381 (1781): 345-360.
  79. Andrews, E.H., Lockington, N.A., 1983, The Cohesive and Adhesive Strength of Ice, Journal of Materials Science 18 (5): 1455-1465.
  80. Bhateja, S.K., Andrews, E.H., 1983, Thermal, Mechanical, and Rheological Behavior of Blends of Ultrahigh and Normal-Molecular-Weight Linear Polyethylenes, Polymer Engineering and Science 23 (16): 888-894.
  81. Bhateja, S.K., Andrews, E.H., 1983, Effect of High-Energy Radiation on the Uniaxial Tensile Creep Behaviour of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Linear Polyethylene, Polymer 24 (2): 160-166.
  82. Bhateja, S.K., Andrews, E.H., Young, R.J., 1983, Radiation-Induced Crystallinity Changes in Linear Polyethylene, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition 21 (4): 523-536.
  83. Andrews, E.H., 1984, Creationism in Confusion?, Nature 312 (5993): 396.
  84. Andrews, E.H., Majid, H.A., Lockington, N.A., 1984, Adhesion of Ice to a Flexible Substrate, Journal of Materials Science 19 (1): 73-81.
  85. Assefpour-Dezfuly, M., Vlachos, C., Andrews, E.H., 1984, Oxide Morphology and Adhesive Bonding on Titanium Surfaces, Journal of Materials Science 19 (11): 3626-3639.
  86. Andrews, E.H., 1985, The Role of Viscoelasticity in Adhesion, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Symposia 72 (1): 295-297.
  87. Andrews, E.H., Khan, T.A., Majid, H.A., 1985, Adhesion to Skin. Part 1 Peel Tests with Hard and Soft Machines, Journal of Materials Science 20 (10): 3621-3630.
  88. Bhateja, S.K., Andrews, E.H., 1985, Radiation-Induced Crystallinity Changes in Polyethylene Blends, Journal of Materials Science 20 (8): 2839-2845.
  89. Andrews, E.H., 1986, Comment on “Subcritical Crack Growth, Surface Energy, Fracture Toughness, Stick-Slip and Embrittlement” by D. Maugis, Journal of Materials Science Letters 5 (6): 679-680.
  90. Andrews, E.H., Kamyab, I., 1986, Adhesion of Surgical Dressings to Wounds. A New In Vitro Model, Clinical Materials 1 (1): 9-21.
  91. Andrews, E.H., Khan, T.A., Rieke, J.K., Rudd, J.F., 1986, Adhesion to Skin III. Glass Transition Temperatures of Surgical Adhesives with Added Sebum, Clinical Materials 1 (3): 205-213.
  92. Andrews, E.H., Khan, T.A., Lockington, N.A., 1987, Adhesion to Skin. Part 2 Measurement of Interfacial Energies for Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Journal of Materials Science 22 (8): 2833-2841.
  93. Bhateja, S.K., Andrews, E.H., 1987, Effect of High Energy Radiation on the Stress-Relaxation of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Linear Polyethylene, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 34 (8): 2809-2817.
  94. Bhateja, S.K., Gilbert, J.R., Andrews, E.H., 1987, Uniaxial Compaction Behavior of Filled Polymer Powders, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 33 (7): 2305-2316.
  95. Bhateja, S.K., Andrews, E.H., Yarbrough, S.M., 1989, Radiation Induced Crystallinity Changes in Linear Polyethylenes: Long Term Aging Effects, Polymer Journal 21 (9): 739-750.
  96. Andrews, E.H., Khan, T.A., Drew, P., Rance, R., 1990, Design of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 41 (34): 595-611.
  97. Bhateja, S.K., Yarbrough, S.M., Andrews, E.H., 1990, Radiation-Induced Crystallinity Changes in Linear Polyethylene: Long-Term Aging Effects in Pressure-Crystallized Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polymer, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B 29 (1): 1-10.
  98. Andrews, E.H., Ansarifar, M.A., 1993, Fracture Mechanics of Blunt Cracks in a Ductile Steel, Journal of Materials Science 28 (13): 3564-3570.
  99. Bhateja, S.K., Duerst, R.W., Aus, E.B., Andrews, E.H., 1995, Free Radicals Trapped in Polyethylene Crystals, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B 34 (3): 263-272.
  100. Bhateja, S.K., Duerst, R.W., Martens, J.A., Andrews, E.H., 1995, Radiation-Induced Enhancement of Crystallinity in Polymers, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part C: Polymer Reviews 35 (4): 581-659.
  101. Kamyab, I., Andrews, E.H., 1996, Interfacial and Bulk Contributions to Peeling Energy, The Journal of Adhesion 56 (1-4): 121-134.
  102. Kellar, E.J.C., Galiotis, C., Andrews, E.H., 1996, Raman Vibrational Studies of Syndiotactic Polystyrene. 1. Assignments in a Conformational/Crystallinity Sensitive Spectral Region, Macromolecules 29 (10): 3515-3520.
  103. Rehman, I., Andrews, E.H., Smith, R., 1996, In Vitro Degradation of Poly(ester-Urethanes) for Biomedical Applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 7 (1): 17-20.
  104. Kellar, E.J.C., Evans, A.M., Knowles, J., Galiotis, C., Andrews, E.H., 1997, Raman Vibrational Studies of Syndiotactic Polystrene. 2. Use of the Fundamental V1 Vibrational Mode as a Quantitative Measure of Crystallinity with Isotropic Material, Macromolecules 30 (8): 2400-2407.
  105. Evans, A.M., Kellar, E.J.C., Knowles, J., Galiotis, C., Carriere, C.J. Andrews, E.H., 1997, The Structure and Morphology of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Injection Molded Coupons, Polymer Engineering & Science 37 (1): 153-165.

Abstracts op conferenties

  1. Andrews, E.H., 1964, Strain-Induced Crystallization in Natural Rubber, presented at the Polymer Physics Meeting in Shrivenham, April 1964.

Met dank aan Eddy Maatkamp, van Uitgeverij Maatkamp, die mij stimuleerde om dit overzicht samen te stellen, mij hielp bij het opzoeken van de papers of Edgar Andrews zelf om hulp vroeg als zaken niet duidelijk waren.


Bibliografie ‘Eskol Reeks’

Eskol Reeks’ is een serie preken van Nederlandstalige predikanten en theologen. Het gaat om zowel dienstdoende als al overleden predikanten en theologen. Maandelijks verschijnt een nieuw deeltje. De ‘Eskol Reeks‘ wordt uitgegeven door ‘De Schatkamer’ te Rumpt. Hieronder is een (incomplete) bibliografie te vinden.2

Jaar Nummer Auteur Titel Verwijzing
2020 Nr. 3 Ds. C. Hegeman De schat in de akker https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-gereformeerde-gemeente-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-3-ds-c-hegeman-de-schat-in-de-akker/
2020 Nr. 9 Ds. G. Gerritsen Uit de ballingschap tot vrijheid geroepen https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-oud-gereformeerde-gemeente-in-nederland-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-1-ds-g-gerritsen-uit-de-ballingschap-tot-vrijheid-geroepen/
2021 Nr. 13 Ds. A. Schultink Een getrouw woord https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-gereformeerde-gemeente-in-nederland-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-2-ds-a-schultink-een-getrouw-woord/
2021 Nr. 14 Ds. J. de Kok Op Jezus’ school https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-gereformeerde-gemeente-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-1-ds-j-de-kok-op-jezus-school/
2021 Nr. 15 Ds. F. Mallan Het enige redmiddel tot Israëls behoudenis https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-gereformeerde-gemeente-in-nederland-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-1-ds-f-mallan-het-enige-redmiddel-tot-israels-behoudenis/
2021 Nr. 18 Ds. A. Verschuure De vallei der dorre beenderen https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-gereformeerde-gemeente-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-2-ds-a-verschuure-de-vallei-der-dorre-beenderen/
2022 Nr. 26 Ds. A. Schultink De volkstelling van David https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-gereformeerde-gemeente-in-nederland-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-3-ds-a-schultink-de-volkstelling-van-david/
2022 Nr. 30 Ds. A. Schot Davids verlangen naar het bloed van de Middelaar https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-gereformeerde-gemeente-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-4-ds-a-schot-davids-verlangen-naar-het-bloed-van-de-middelaar/
2023 Nr. 38 Ds. J. Goudriaan Dragen of gedragen worden https://oorsprong.info/predikanten-uit-de-vrije-oud-gereformeerde-gemeente-en-onze-vroegste-geschiedenis-1-ds-j-goudriaan-1946-2023-dragen-of-gedragen-worden/


Bibliografie ‘Bibliotheek Overjarig Koren’

‘Bibliotheek Overjarig Koren’ is een serie preken van oudvaders uit Nederland, Engeland, Schotland etc. Maandelijks verschijnt een nieuw deeltje. Momenteel is uitgeverij ‘De Schatkamer’ de uitgever, maar in het verleden zijn er ook andere uitgevers geweest. Hieronder is een (incomplete) bibliografie te vinden3.

Jaar Jaargang Nummer Auteur Titel
1988 63 7 Robert Traill De troon der genade
1989 63 11 Edmund Calamy Beven voor de ark van God
