In het jaar 2021 zijn geoloog Paul A. Garner (MSc.), van Biblical Creation Trust en bioloog dr. Todd C. Wood, van Core Academy of Science begonnen met de podcast Let’s Talk Creation1.2 Hieronder worden de podcasts in chronologische volgorde weergegeven. Deze pagina zal om de zoveel tijd bijgewerkt worden.
Episode 1: Who Are We?
Episode 2: Why is Young-Age Creationism Important?
Episode 3: Model Building vs. Evolution Bashing.
Episode 4: Creationist Scholarship (feat. Thomas Purifoy).
Episode 5: Where Did Cain Get His Wife & Other Common Questions.
Episode 6: The Geologic Column for Beginners (Part 1).
Episode 7: The Geologic Column for Beginners (Part 2).
Episode 8: Where’s My Missing Link?
Episode 9: Transitional Forms: Hominin Edition.
Episode 10: Canopy Theory Considerations (feat. dr. Steve Gollmer).
Episode 11: Ice Age (feat. dr. Steve Gollmer).
Episode 12: Mind the Gap.
Episode 13: Kill Everyone to Save the Planet? (feat. Tom Hennigan).
Episode 14: Genealogical Adam, Micro-Fossils, and Fowl Baramins (feat. dr. Tim Brophy, dr. Neal Doran and dr. Marcus Ross).
Episode 15: Pterosaurs, Cave Formation and Windows in Heaven (feat. dr. Steven Boyd, dr. Matt McLain, dr. Jeff Miller and Doug Smith (MA)).
Episode 16: The Genesis Flood 60 Years On: Historical Background.
Episode 17: The Genesis Flood 60 Years On: The Content and Its Result.
Episode 18: Sola Scriptura: Thoughts on Creation from the Reformers (feat. Nathan Brummel (MA)).
Episode 19: What’s In a Name?: Looking at Other Names for Creationists (feat. dr. Stephen Lloyd).
Episode 20: What is Science?: Is Creationism True Science or Pseudoscience?.
Episode 21: What is Human?: Studies in Hominin Baraminology.
Episode 22: The Great Dinosaur Dig (feat. dr. Arthur Chadwick).
Episode 23: Is Creationism a New Testament Issue?
Episode 24: Exploring the Grand Canyon: Research on the Coconino Sandstone (feat. dr. John Whitmore).
Episode 25: Fossils and the Flood: Exploring Lost Worlds with Science and Scripture.
Episode 26: The Drippy Faucet: Exploring the Basics of Radiometric Dating.
Episode 27: Who are the Nephilim and Other Common Questions.
Episode 28: William Lane Craig’s Quest for the Historical Adam Part 1 (feat. dr. Hans Madueme).
Episode 29: William Lane Craig’s Quest for the Historical Adam Part 2 (feat. dr. Marcus Ross).
Episode 30: Creationist Model Building: Putting the Pieces Together.
Episode 31: Created Kinds: Studies in Baraminology (feat. dr. Jean Lightner).
Episode 32: What Was the Tower of Babel? – Part 1.
Episode 33: What Was the Tower of Babel? – Part 2.
Episode 34: Dominion: How Creationists Approach the Jurassic World (feat. dr. Matt McLain, dr. Marcus Ross and dr. David Lee).
Episode 35: Radioactive Clocks: A Closer Study of Radiometric Dating (feat. dr. Ben Clausen).
Episode 36: Living Plesiosaurs and Other Arguments Creationists Shouldn’t Use.
Episode 37: Why Doesn’t the Earth Look Young and Other Arguments Anti-Creationists Shouldn’t Use.
Episode 38: The Dead Sea Scrolls. What do they say? Why should we care? (feat. dr. Jeremy Lyon).
Episode 39: Creation and The Dead Sea Scrolls (feat. dr. Jeremy Lyon).
Episode 40: Creationists Explain Radiometric Dating: The RATE project overview.
Episode 41: Who was Charles Darwin?
Episode 42: Why are Horse Fossils important to Creationists (feat. dr. Timothy Brophy).
Episode 43: Todd and Paul reply to ‘Let’s Talk Creation’ Viewer Comments.
Episode 44: Creationists review the RATE Project’s Unsolved Problems and Critiques.
Episode 45: Let’s Talk Creation Thanksgiving Special.
Episode 46: Thank God for Microbes (feat. dr. Joe Francis).
Episode 47: Grace and Criticism.
Episode 48: Special Christmas Episode: Creation Astronomy and the Star of Bethlehem (feat. dr. Robert Hill).
Episode 49: Good God in a Bad World.
Episode 50: Let’s Talk about the International Conference on Creationism (feat. dr. Bob Walsh, dr. Steven Gollmer and dr. John Whitmore).
Episode 51: Humans walked with Dinosaurs?
Episode 52: Why Would God Make Parasites? (feat. dr. Jeremy Blaschke).
Episode 53: What, in the world, are Behemoth and Leviathan?
Episode 54: Genesis Genealogies: Calculating the Age of Creation.
Episode 55: Which rocks are Flood Rocks? Part 1: Introduction.
Episode 56: Where Does the Flood End? Position #1 (feat. dr. Timothy Clarey).
Episode 57: Where Does the Flood End? Position #2 (feat. dr. Marcus Ross).
Episode 58: Which rocks are Flood Rocks? Part 4: Parting Thoughts.
Episode 59: Understanding the Septuagint (feat. Henry Smith (BA)).
Episode 60: Designed to Kill?
Episode 61: Behind the Scenes of Is Genesis History: Mountains after the Flood (feat. Thomas Purifoy).
Episode 62: Pondering the Image of God (feat. dr. Daniel Wilson).
Episode 63: Joshua Tree National Park A Creationist Perspective.
Episode 64: ICC Update on Human Origins.
Episode 65: Let’s Talk Creation Live at the ICC.
Episode 66: Paul and Todd Answer Your Questions!
Episode 67: Understanding the Masoretic (feat. dr. Doug Smith).
Episode 68: Loading up Noah’s Ark.
Episode 69: The Scopes Trial.
Episode 70: Paul and Todd answer MORE questions!
Episode 71: Exploring Plate Tectonics at the Great Smoky Mountains!
Episode 72: The Grand Canyon. Praising God with Nate Loper (feat. Nate Loper).
Episode 73: Giant Cannibal Babies! What were the Nephilim?
Episode 74: A Christmas Reading List.
Episode 75: Russ Humphreys and the Extra Helium (RATE Project) (feat. dr. Russell Humphreys).
Episode 76: Genesis Chronology: Crunching the Numbers.
Episode 77: Rattlesnakes: God’s Good Design? (feat. dr. Aaron Corbit).
Episode 78: Think before You Meme!
Episode 79: Creationism 101: In the Beginning.
Episode 80: How Steve Austin became a Creation Scientist (feat. dr. Steven Austin).
Episode 81: Total Eclipse of the Sun with Ron Samec! (feat. dr. Ronald Samec).
Episode 82: A local flood? Responding to Gavin Ortlund.’
Episode 83: Creationism 101: Creation Week.
Episode 84: The Samaritan Pentateuch (feat. Nate Labadorf (MA)).
Episode 85: Natural Evil: Viruses & Creationism.
Episode 86: Creationism 101: Do we really need Genesis 1?
Episode 87: Erosion Shows the Earth is Young! Part 1 (feat. dr. Monte Fleming).
Episode 88: Erosion Still shows the earth is young! Part 2 (feat. dr. Monte Fleming).
Episode 89: Is Young-Age Creationism an Embarrassment? (feat. dr. Stephen Lloyd).
- De podcasts zijn ook hier te raadplegen, daar zijn ook ‘episode guides’ te vinden:
- Garner en Wood hebben een benadering die mij erg aanspreekt, namelijk niet een ‘anti evolutie’-houding maar een ‘pro schepping’-houding. Dat wil zeggen: je kunt wel kritiek leveren op de gangbare evolutietheorie, maar daarmee heb je nog geen eigen scheppingsparadigma. Je kunt beter bouwen aan een scheppingsparadigma, dat betekent namelijk automatisch dat je de standaard evolutietheorie afwijst.