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Auteursarchief: Andrew Snelling
‘Age of the Earth: Polonium Radiohalos Demolish Geologic Time’ – Dr. Andrew Snelling sprak voor de livestream van Logos Research Associates
Noot van de redactie: De redactie zou wat minder grote woorden (‘demolish’) gebruiken, maar ziet ‘Polonium Radiohalos’ als interessant (tegen)argument in de discussie over ‘Deep Time’.
Dr. Andrew Snelling heeft, in navolging van dr. Robert Gentry, een groot deel van zijn leven onderzoek gedaan naar Polonium Radiohalos. Dit heeft hij gepresenteerd op diverse creationistische conferenties en gepubliceerd in diverse creationistische In Depth tijdschriften (zoals Answers Research Journal).1 Afgelopen jaar was hij in de livestream van Logos Research Associates om zijn onderzoek te presenteren. Helaas is de livestream niet Nederlands ondertiteld.
Onder de video staat een uitgebreide beschrijving (in het Engels):
After defining what radiohalos are, this presentation will discuss the enigma of the polonium radiohalos, produced by the three very-short-lived polonium isotopes in the uranium-238 decay chain. They are most easily recognized in the black mica, biotite, alongside uranium-238 radiohalos. Biotite is a ubiquitous mineral in many granites and metamorphic schists and gneisses globally and at all levels in the geologic record. Yet the conventional millions-of-years timescale cannot explain the formation of the polonium radiohalos. Indeed, one conventional geochronologist described them as a tiny mystery because the polonium isotopes have such a fleeting existence, with half-lives of only 3.1 minutes, 164 μsecs and 138 days. In contrast, a hydrothermal fluid flow model coupled with accelerated nuclear decay has been proposed that has successfully explained the formation of polonium radiohalos within a young-earth timescale, primarily during the year-long global Flood cataclysm. This hydrothermal fluid flow model was used to make predictions, which have been successfully tested in several case studies involving granites, metamorphic rocks, and hydrothermal ore deposits. Hydrothermal fluids are produced as granites and metamorphic schists and gneisses crystallize and cool, but conventionally such processes require millions of years. Furthermore, it has been observationally determined that the radiohalos can only form and survive below 150°C , which is late in the cooling phase of these rocks. So, their survival argues against there being a heat problem with the accelerated nuclear decay required for their formation. Thus, the exceedingly rapid formation of the ubiquitous polonium radiohalos in these crystalline rocks puts severe time constraints on the crystallization and cooling of granites and metamorphic rocks, such that they may each have formed within only 7-10 days, which is compatible with the Flood year. Even the major occurrence of polonium radiohalos through the geologic record correspond with the Flood year. Thus, polonium radiohalos demolish the claimed long geologic ages.
Meer weten over de argumenten van Snelling? Onlangs plaatsten we een samenvatting van zijn zeven geologische argumenten om uit te gaan van een wereldwijde zondvloed.