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Auteursarchief: Jeffrey Tomkins
‘Monkey Business in the Chimp Genome’ – Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins sprak voor de livestream van Logos Research Associates
Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins is de geneticus van Institute for Creation Research (ICR).1 Hij heeft in de tijd bij ICR veel onderzoek gedaan naar het genoom van de mens en dit vergeleken met het genoom van de chimpansee. Dit werk heeft hij onder andere gepubliceerd in zijn In-Depth boek ‘Chimps and Humans‘.2 Een jaar geleden was hij te gast in de livestream van Logos Research Associates om daar delen van zijn werk te presenteren.
Onder de video staat een uitgebreide beschrijving (in het Engels):
“Evolutionists continue to contend that genetic studies have proved humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor and have a 98-99% genome similarity. But many people don’t realize the current chimpanzee genome has not been constructed on its own merits. When genomes (a complete set of chromosomes for a given creature) are sequenced, the initial DNA is obtained in very small pieces and then assembled—essentially “stitched” together—with the aid of a computer. Since the chimpanzee genome hadn’t been previously sequenced, it lacked a good genetic framework to help guide the process. Given a strong evolutionary bias that humans evolved from a chimp-like ancestor, how do you suppose scientists assembled the chimpanzee DNA sequences? You guessed it! They used the human genome as a guide. But there’s even more monkey business involved in producing the chimp genome. Human DNA contamination is also present and may have produced a flawed chimp genome that would appear to be far more human-like than it is. Hear Dr Tomkins discuss his research project investigating these issues and the results of his comparison of over 2.5 million raw chimpanzee DNA sequences to both the human genome and the current version of the chimp genome. These results clearly show that many regions of the chimp genome are misassembled, the genetic similarity of the chimp genome to the human genome is much less than 98-99% and therefore can’t be used to support human evolution.”